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Intersectional Advocacy


Intersectional Advocacy: Redrawing Policy Boundaries Around Gender, Race, and Class

Cambridge University Press

What happens to those living at the margins of U.S. politics and policy – trapped between multiple struggles: gender-based violence, poverty, homelessness, unaffordable healthcare, mass incarceration and immigration? In this book, Margaret Perez Brower offers the concept of ‘intersectional advocacy’ to reveal how select organizations addressing gender-based violence are closing policy gaps that perpetuate inequalities by gender, race, ethnicity, and class.  Intersectional advocacy is a roadmap for rethinking public policy. The book captures how advocacy groups strategically contest, reimagine, and reconfigure policy institutions using comprehensive new strategies that connect issues together. As these groups challenge traditional ways of addressing the most pressing social issues in the U.S., they uncover deep inequities that are housed within these institutions. Ultimately, organizations practicing intersectional advocacy illuminate how to redraw the boundaries of policies in ways that transform U.S. democracy to be more representative, equitable, and just. 

Book Reviews Forthcoming:

  • Perspectives on Politics

  • International Feminist Journal of Politics

  • Journal of Race and Ethnic Politics