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Public Writing


How will Democrats rewrite Build Back Better: Here is what Black and Latina women activists say they need

This Washington Post piece discusses the impact of COVID-19 on Latina and Black women in the workforce. It then references experimental research on multi-policy initiatives and discusses why these types initiatives are important for not leaving Black and Latina women behind in the economic recovery of the coronavirus recession.


Latina and Black women lost jobs in record numbers. Policies designed for all women don’t necessarily help with Jamila Michener

This Washington Post piece discusses the impact of COVID-19 on Latina and Black women in the workforce. It references research on how policies differentially shape women’s economic standing by race and ethnicity and discusses the importance of tailoring policy by gender, class race and ethnicity.


Chicago’s Racial Economy

This chapter is from the Race & Place: Young Adults and the Future of Chicago report. The chapter provides an analysis of racial capitalism in the city of Chicago and how these structures shape the lives of young adults growing up in the city.


Political Inequalities and Reimagining Democracy

This chapter is from the Race & Place: Young Adults and the Future of Chicago Report. The chapter discusses how young adults interact with local politicians, engage in political behavior, and reimagine democracy in a city that continues reinforce a politics of inequality.


Race & Place Young adults and the future of Chicago with Cathy Cohen & David Knight

Margaret Brower, with Cathy Cohen and David Knight developed and led a large-scale qualitative project in Chicago interviewing young adults across the city’s segregated neighborhoods. Together, they produced this public report detailing how the city through its many different types of infrastructures shapes the lives of young adults.


Promising Practices to Facilitate Politically Robust Campus Climates with Nancy Thomas

This article discusses what types of institutional practices can foster campus climates that encourage college students to engage in political learning and politics more broadly. Colleges and Universities can play a really important role in encouraging and providing opportunities for students to participate in democracy.


Why Elections Matter and What Campuses Can do Now with Nancy Thomas

This report from the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education explores higher education’s responsibility and opportunities to use elections as a teachable moment for meaningful political learning and engagement. The authors challenge colleges and universities to increase their commitment to civic learning and engagement in democracy and outline priorities that can inform how they work with students to engage in substantive discussions about political issues within American democracy, educate students about the technical aspects of voting, and create a celebratory climate in election seasons.


Practicing Democracy in the Classroom: Equalizing Opportunities to Engage with Public Policies and Issues with Jodi Benenson

Drawing from four qualitative case-studies of different colleges this work provides an analysis of interviews and focus groups with 237 students, faculty, and staff. The authors discuss the importance of locating class material within the context of political issues and public policies. In doing so, they argue that this pedagogical approach can equalize opportunities for students to engage and learn in the classroom.